Kejriwal approves construction of new maintenance shed for Vande Bharat Trains


Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has approved a proposal for the construction of a new maintenance shed for Vande Bharat trains.

The government said it received a proposal from the Railways to remove and transplant 78 trees to clear the construction site.

“Kejriwal has cleared the path for the project by approving the said proposal. He has approved the proposal with the condition that the Railways will plant 780 new saplings,” it said.

Kejriwal said: “Railways critically need modern infrastructure. This approval will help the nation get better facilities. We are actively ensuring that modern developments do not adversely impact Delhi and are mandating 10 times compensatory plantation for any tree that gets affected.”

Approving the proposal, the CM said that it would be placed before the LG, and he is bound by the aid and advice of the government on the subject.

The Delhi Government said that the transplantation would take place around the identified project site. The Delhi Government also requested the Railways not to damage any trees at the site other than those identified and approved by the government. If any tree, apart from the approved ones, is damaged, it shall constitute an offense under the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act.

The Delhi Government has made it mandatory for the Railways to plant ten times the number of trees removed or transplanted. Thus, they have to plant around 2,140 new tree saplings. These trees will be planted on the identified land parcels within three months from the date on which permission for shifting the trees is issued.

The Railways will also be responsible for maintaining the trees for the next seven years, as per the Delhi Government’s guidelines.

According to the approved proposal, various tree species that suit the soil and climate of Delhi will be planted in lieu of the removal and transplantation.

These include Neem, Amaltas, Pipal, Pilkhan, Gular, Bargad, Desi Kikar, and Arjun, among other species. These trees will be planted as saplings of 6-8 feet in height on non-forest lands.

Regarding the trees to be transplanted, the Railways has been asked to start the process immediately after fulfilling the requisite conditions and complete it within six months. They will also submit a report to the Tree Officer for supervision.

The Delhi Government has asked the Railways to scrupulously abide by the Delhi Tree Transplantation Policy 2020 for the project and submit regular progress reports.

They must ensure that for every transplanted tree that does not survive, an indigenous tree species with a height of 15 feet and a diameter of at least 6 inches is planted in a 1:5 ratio.

If any tree is found to have a bird’s nest, it will not be allowed to be cut or transplanted until the birds abandon the tree.

Furthermore, the branches and tops of the trees should be sent to the nearest crematorium for free within 90 days after being cut.



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