Weekly yard waste collection in Mississauga, Brampton starts March 4


Mississauga (Feb 26) – Yard waste collection begins the week of March 4 in Peel, with the cities of Brampton and Mississauga receiving weekly yard waste collection and urban areas in the Town of Caledon receiving bi-weekly yard waste collection. Rural areas of Caledon will have yard waste picked up on designated Fridays.

Residents should check their collection calendar to find their pickup day or sign up to receive free weekly waste collection reminders at peelregion.ca/waste/reminders.

Yard waste must be at the curb by 7 a.m. on the designated collection day.

Residents should put yard waste at the curb in kraft yard waste bags (plastic bags not accepted), or containers that are clearly labelled “yard waste” by marker or sticker.

Peel Region no longer accepts grass clippings at the curb or at Community Recycling Centres.


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