Brampton (Mar 4) – Brampton will receive $2.5 million from the province’s Wetlands Conservation Partner Program (WCPP) to support the Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement Project.
This investment will enable Brampton to improve the shoreline at Loafer’s Lake and enhance pocket wetlands within Loafer’s Lake Park and Conservation Drive Park, in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).
“This is an incredible investment by the Province of Ontario to support the enhancement of Loafer’s Lake,” said Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown. “Investing in the restoration and preservation of wetlands is an investment in the future of our city, ensuring the protection of countless species, like the fish and turtles that call Loafer’s Lake home.”
Brown also thanked Brampton North MPP Graham MacGregor for his outstanding work on the project which will focus on enhancing shoreline habitats, relocating trails, managing invasive species, planting aquatic and terrestrial species and installing viewing platforms and habitat structures.
City officials say that the project will also provide education and awareness opportunities for the Brampton community, emphasizing wetland ecology and the significance of restoring and protecting local habitats.
Mayor Brown says he looks forward to enjoying the new trails and viewing platforms with the community once the project is complete.