Police officer charged after firearm was accidentally discharged in Burlington


Oakville (Feb 21) A Halton police officer is facing charges after his weapon was accidentally discharged in Burlington at the end of January.

“Following an internal investigation, a six-year member of the Halton Regional Police Service, Constable Jordan Lee, has been charged with one count of Careless Use of a Firearm,” police stated in a news release.

The charge stems from an incident that occurred on Monday, January 29 in Burlington. Constable Lee was handling a police-issued firearm during the course of his duties when the weapon was accidentally discharged, the statement said. No one was injured.

As per Service policy, an investigation was conducted by members of Regional Investigative Services who, by mandate, investigate all events where a Service member discharges a firearm during the performance of their duty, intentionally or unintentionally.

Constable Lee has been suspended with pay as per the Police Services Act of Ontario. He will appear in the Ontario Court of Justice – Milton on Wednesday April 3.


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